Italian Biscotti!

If you’ve ever hired me for a party or meal, you’ll recall my specialties are Italian and American cuisines. More importantly, I also mention that I am not a baker, so if I am asked to provide dessert it is usually something simple or something purchased from one of my baking partners. To me, cooking a meal is gut instincts based on known flavor combinations and profiles. Baking is about chemistry, requiring exact measurements and timing.

Over last four weeks I have been staying at home like most of you. I’ve used this opportunity to experiment with baking and have been surprised as to how much I’ve enjoyed it. While I’ve had my fair share of disappointments, overall I’ve gained an appreciation for the art. My latest attempt is Tuscan Almond Biscotti, a crispy cookie with the flavors of citrus and almond. A staple in my home growing up, these cookies are great for dipping in espresso, coffee or tea. You can easily dip them in chocolate and allow them to set for an even more decadent dessert. Biscotti means “twice baked,” which is exactly how they are prepared. First baked as a loaf, set to cool for a few minutes, sliced, then re-baked until crispy. I just may have to add this recipe to items I can provide my clients!